Saturday, October 9, 2010

Out of My Head

Haven't posted in a long time. That doesn't mean nothings been going on in my life. Just that I am utterly lame and suck at this whole blogging thing. I also suck at the whole expressing who I am and what not. I really do like to write and just kinda put emotions to words. I feel flawed in my words. But its nice to get them out and onto paper.
I chose "Out of my Head" by Fastball to kinda show my mood today. Sometimes in life I just don't know what I am doing, ok honestly this isn't a sometime thing I would say 95% of the time I haven't a clue. I make plans and they don't happen. I see things and they aren't right. I follow my heart and it leads me to what I think are dead ends. Truth be told I have learned that when I follow my heart I never hit a dead end, just a road that goes in a direction I didn't expect. And that r0ad always prepares me to walk a better road.
But still from time to time I am just like "WHY THE HECK DID I DO THAT?". Admittedly I have made many a wrong choice and it often comes back to bit me in the butt. I don't know. Today I guess I just learned to trust my gut. Trust the possibilities and go with the flow, but be willing to swim when you know you need to. Today I feel like swimming. Doing what I can to have what I want. I don't know if what I want in life is always the best but eh, That's a mistake I am willing to make. What if it's not a mistake? That's a greater risk.
There is always more than one way to say exactly what you mean to say.
I love the guitar solo in the middle of the song. Its so simple but its totally something you can get your own personal grove on to.